South Melbourne Above Market Lease
// Tuesday, 03 January 2017

Conquest Estate Agency has successfully leased a older style office warehouse at 124 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne to a National Car Rental Company.
The property consists of 74 sqm of office and 306 sqm of warehouse with 3 roller doors. There is also a canopy area and 160 sqm of open yard area for carparking. Based on the nett lettable area of the building being 380 sqm, Director Luke Conquest was able to achieve a market high rental of $302 per sqm + Outgoings.
“The property provided the unique benefit of ample carspaces and open yard area in a location where the majority of buildings are built to the boundary. This coupled with a targeted marketing campaign resulted in our agency achieving a rental well above market and more in line with office rents…if not higher”. Said Luke Conquest